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To/From d20 Conversions

When presented a range of scores, always use the lowest in the range for a player character or the GM may choose for other creatures. The tables below only cover converting one score to another and makes no attempt to convert actual powers or class or other special d20-system features or abilities.


Fighting converts to/from BAB (Base Attack Bonus).

Feeble +0 BAB
Poor +1 BAB
Typical +2 BAB
Good +4 BAB, +1 bonus combat feat
Excellent +8 BAB, +2 bonus combat feat
Remarkable +12 BAB, +4 bonus combat feat
Incredible +16 BAB, +8 bonus combat feat
Amazing +20 BAB, +12 bonus combat feat
Monstrous +30 BAB, +16 bonus combat feat
Unearthly +40 BAB, +20 bonus combat feat


Agility converts to Dexterity

Feeble 3-5 Dexterity
Poor 6-9 Dexterity
Typical 10-11 Dexterity
Good 12-13 Dexterity
Excellent 14-15 Dexterity
Remarkable 16-17 Dexterity
Incredible 18-19 Dexterity
Amazing 20-29 Dexterity
Monstrous 30-39 Dexterity
Unearthly 40+ Dexterity


Strength converts to Strength

Feeble 1-5 Strength
Poor 6-10 Strength
Typical 11-15 Strength
Good 16-20 Strength
Excellent 21-25 Strength
Remarkable 31-32 Strength
Incredible 48-50 Strength
Amazing 60 Strength
Monstrous 65-70 Strength
Unearthly 75+ Strength


Endurance converts to Constitution

Feeble 3-6 Constitution
Poor 10-11 Constitution
Typical 12-13 Constitution
Good 14-15 Constitution
Excellent 16-17 Constitution
Remarkable 18-19 Constitution
Incredible 20-29 Constitution
Amazing 30-39 Constitution
Monstrous 40-49 Constitution
Unearthly 50-59 Constitution


Reason converts to Intelligence

Feeble 3-5 Intelligence
Poor 6-9 Intelligence
Typical 10-11 Intelligence
Good 12-13 Intelligence
Excellent 14-15 Intelligence
Remarkable 16-17 Intelligence
Incredible 18-19 Intelligence
Amazing 20-29 Intelligence
Monstrous 30-39 Intelligence
Unearthly 40+ Intelligence


Intuition converts to Wisdom

Feeble 3-5 Wisdom
Poor 6-9 Wisdom
Typical 10-11 Wisdom
Good 12-13 Wisdom
Excellent 14-15 Wisdom
Remarkable 16-17 Wisdom
Incredible 18-19 Wisdom
Amazing 20-29 Wisdom
Monstrous 30-39 Wisdom
Unearthly 40+ Wisdom


Psyche converts to Will Saves

Feeble -4 to Will saves
Poor -2 to Will saves
Typical Base / No modifier to Will saves
Good +1 to Will saves
Excellent +2 to Will saves
Remarkable +3 to Will saves
Incredible +4 to Will saves
Amazing +5 to Will saves
Monstrous +6 to Will saves
Unearthly +7 to Will saves


Feeble 1
Poor 2
Typical 4
Good 6
Excellent 8
Remarkable 10
Incredible 12
Amazing 14
Monstrous 16
Unearthly 18